an initiative at Virginia Tech
in Society
2016 NEH Summer Institute for College and University Teachers
Veterans in Society:
Ambiguities & Representations
10-29 July 2016
Blacksburg, VA, and Washington, DC

How to apply
Before preparing your application, please carefully review the information on this website and NEH’s application information and instructions document.
Although NEH requires that all applicants for summer institutes complete a standard NEH online cover sheet, the substantive part of your application for Veterans in Society: Ambiguities and Representations must be submitted to the co-directors, Drs James Dubinsky or Bruce Pencek, not to the NEH.
We will accept applications through e-mail or postal mail. The submission deadline is extended to March 8, 2016, as indicated by email timestamp or physical postmark.
Successful applicants will be notified of their selection on Thursday, March 31, 2016, and they will have until Thursday, April 7 to accept or decline the offer.
Once you have accepted an offer to attend any NEH summer program (NEH summer seminar, institute, or landmarks workshop), you may not accept an additional offer or withdraw in order to accept a different offer.
Checklist of application materials
Whatever submission method you choose, a complete application consists of the following collated items:
a copy of your completed NEH online application cover sheet;
a detailed résumé, curriculum vitae, or brief biography; including contact information for two professional references; and
an application essay.
The application cover sheet
Complete the cover sheet online at NEH.
Include a copy of this cover sheet in the materials you send us:
If you are submitting your application by email, please save the final version as either a Word or PDF document and submit with your other materials.
If via postal mail, print out the cover sheet and add it to your application package.
Résumé and references
Please include a detailed résumé, curriculum vitae, or brief biography (not to exceed five pages).
Be sure the résumé includes the name, title, phone number, and email address of two professional references. The references should be familiar with your professional accomplishments or promise, teaching and/or research interests, and ability to contribute to and benefit from participation in the institute. If you have participated in an earlier NEH summer institute, a name from the director or lead scholar(s) would be useful. If you are a graduate student, one reference should be your adviser or committee chair.
The application essay
The most important part of the application is the essay of no more than 1,500 words (or four double-spaced pages).
This essay should address how you situate yourself professionally in scholarship about veterans. Speak to each question below, either point-by-point or woven into an extended, encompassing narrative.
Relevance: How is the approach taken in this institute relevant to your research? To your teaching?
Interest: What elements of the institute interest you most? Why?
Contribution: How will your own background, academic training, and interests enrich the experience and understanding of other participants?
Application: How will you apply the knowledge learned at the institute to your teaching, research, and/or community activities?
Project: Identify a gap or weakness in the existing literature(s). Sketch a project (either research, course development, or civic engagement) to correct that defect that you would like to develop as a result of this institute.
Submission and notification
Send your application materials no later than March 8, 2016. You may send your materials electronically or in hard copy:
By email to either dubinsky@vt.edu or to bpencek@vt.edu. Please use this subject line: NEH Summer Institute Application.
By physical delivery (Send three complete copies in one envelope)
NEH Summer Institute Application
c/o Dr James Dubinsky
Center for the Study of Rhetoric in Society
Department of English (MC 0112)
340c Shanks Hall
181 Turner St NW
Blacksburg, VA 24061
For further information, contact either co-director.
© 2015 by Virginia Tech. Site created with Wix.com

The Veterans in Society: Ambiguities and Representations 2016 summer institute for college faculty is a project of
Virginia Tech's Center for the Study of Rhetoric in Society and the University Libraries.

The 2016 Veterans in Society summer institute has been made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this the institute or this website, do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities nor Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.